Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 336- Bloody Cards

Me: Excuse me, sir. I am looking for Christmas cards. Will you help me?

Tommy: Sure. They are in aisle three.

Me: Thank you. Do they contain religious content? I'm looking for one that magnifies the virgin birth and perhaps proclaims the Deity of Christ.

Tommy: I do think that we carry a few with a religious message.

Me: What about a card that perhaps is covered in blood…blood that represents forgiveness of sins?

Tommy: I might have cut my hand unloading a box, but nothing like you are requesting (Laughing).

Me: Okay, do you think about the virgin birth or "God with us" when you celebrate Christmas?

Tommy: 60/40.

Me: What does that mean?

Tommy: 60% of Christmas is about family. 40% is about God.

Me: Did you know that God wants 100% of you?

Tommy: Then why did he take my Dad's life too soon?

Wow, what a turn in the conversation! Tommy seemed broken so I began to share much about the goodness and grace of God. However, I was wrong. I asked him to open his Bible and get to know who God is and he replied, "I will never open a Bible." Realizing that Tommy's heart was quickly hardening I said, "Tommy, I just shared with you the undeserved favor of God, but it appears that you are shaking your fist at His goodness. You would never shake your fist at a tornado because you would be wiped out. However, you are now in direct defiance towards the Creator of heaven and earth. When your life is over, His grace will be withheld and you will get what you deserve unless you repent and trust in Him. Your heart will continue to harden the longer you wait, don't wait too long. He will wipe you out." Tommy stood before me like he was willing to stand before a tsunami. I know I sounded harsh, but you should have been there. My wife was with me and she normally rebukes such stern words, but this guy was extraordinary.

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